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This video was originally recorded for the Monthly Giving Launch Guide, and now available to all! Scott and Vik talk about learnings from growing charity: water's monthly giving program, The Spring.  

Here's the list of topics covered in the video:
3:09 - why it took so long for charity: water to start a monthly giving program
4:15 - how we thought about donor promise with The Spring
5:25 - Productizing your program (creating meaningful donation amounts) 9:24 - How to think creatively about reporting to monthly donors
13:30 - When to focus on acquisition vs. retention
16:30 - Writing people when they leave
17:30 - Why it’s hard to quit HULU and what you can learn from them
19:20 - Success depends on how much you resource the team
21:20 - The importance of Video
24:22 - How to grow through branding and communication
26:05 - All roads lead to The Spring / recurring-first donation mindset
29:40 - Treating your donors like shareholders
32:15 - What everyone needs to do RIGHT NOW if you have monthly donors.




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